Ettimadai Ward

Ettimadai Ward 9 Initiates Drainage Cleaning Work by Panchayat President

On January 27, the drainage cleaning work in Ward 9 of Ettimadai Panchayat, Coimbatore, was launched with the assistance of V-Card Industries. The work was inaugurated by Ettimadai Panchayat President, Mrs. A. Geetha Anandakumar, B.A.

The event was attended by Panchayat Vice-President Mr. P. Nagarajan, Panchayat Member Mr. Sivakumar, Panchayat Junior Engineer Mr. K. Sampathkumar, party officials Mr. N. Arokiyasamy, Mr. A. Shaktivell, Mrs. R. Sarojadevi, Mr. Jyothi, and the general public.


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