The Tamil Nadu Government has planned to merge several municipalities in the Kavundampalayam constituency with the Coimbatore Corporation. These municipalities, including Somayampalayam, Ashokapuram, Kurudampalayam, and Keeranatham, are known for their agricultural and livestock industries, as well as a significant population of laborers. If merged with the Corporation, it is feared that the livelihoods of the people would be negatively impacted due to the loss of government schemes like the 100-day employment scheme and rural development projects from both the central and state governments.
Additionally, merging these municipalities with the Corporation would result in an increase in tax burdens on the residents. For these reasons, Coimbatore Kavundampalayam MLA, PRG Arun Kumar, has submitted a petition to the District Collector on January 29, requesting the government to halt the merger plan.
The petition was submitted in the presence of union secretaries Kovanur Duraisamy, Sukumar, and ADMK party members.